Monday, May 4, 2009

Do you agree Facebook have a duty to discourage cyberbullying?

I am really worried about cyberbullying on Facebook.

Facebook allows its users to add an application, Honesty Box, to send and receive untraceable messages. This provides cyberbullies an opportunity to prey on their victims anonymously.

Today another child will be a victim of cyberbullying; maybe you, maybe yours.

I don't like this concept, I don't like cyberbullies, and I certainly don't like the fact Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook will not own up and accept responsibility.

Maybe you feel the same way too.

I am leading a campaign asking Mark Zuckerberg to remove Honesty Box from his Facebook site.

Please help me by posting your comments on

I'll make sure your voice is heard at Facebook HQ.

Do you agree Facebook have a duty to discourage cyberbullying?
people who add the honestly box application are adding it BY CHOICE. if they don't want to recieve harsh comments and such, they would not add it. don't worry about it.
Reply:If people are making the choice to put that application on their home page then they are asking for honesty so thats what they will get. Facebook are not leaving people open to cyberbullying, people are opening themselves up to cyberbulling and that is their choice but i dont think thats any reflection on facebook. If you dont like it and dont want to be targeted by this then its quite simple, dont use it.
Reply:First of all, have a little personal accountability. If your kid is narcisstic enough that he/she NEEDS to know what others think about him/her and ADD the application VOLUNTARILY, they've got to take the good with the bad. If YOU (the parent) don't like it, make your child remove the're a have that authority. If facebook is a problem in general, BLOCK Facebook from your computer. You are a parent, NOT a friend.

Something's wrong with the millenial generation and I blame the parents. Everytime their child doesn't get what they want, the parents take it upon themselves to solve Jr's problems by calling and writing letters to everyone from the President to Channel 7....and their kids don't learn to resolve their own problems....
Reply:If more parents would supervise their children while on the internet we wouldnt have this issue at all. Facebook is not some evil entity trying to hurt young people. It shouldnt have to be responsible for what a childs parents are unwilling to do.
Reply:i dont get it? you should only add friends you know and trust! its not like randon people can see you profile anyway, they have to be added as a friend! and if they are getting bulllied via honesty box then just get rid of it for gods sake! whats with going to all the hassle of trying to get it banned?
Reply:There are people in this world who are bullies. Whether it is cyber bullying, physical bullying, verbal bullying at school, etc. it will always be there. Of all of these types of bullying, it is in the area of cyber bullying that parents have the most ability to protect their children. I am of the opinion that it is a parent's responsibility to monitor their child's online activities and disallow the installation of such an application. With all of the information that we receive through the media and other sources regarding cyber bullying on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, any parent who isn't aware of the potential risk is pretty much an idiot. If they bring technology into their home that has potential to harm their children and don't take the time to understand it enough to know what their children are doing with it, they are pretty much an idiot. It is not the responsibility of Mark Zuckerberg to parent anyone's child. This responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the parents of each child. For the record, I am not one of those people who knows it all but doesn't have children. I have two daughters, and I monitor their online activities like a hawk.

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