Monday, May 4, 2009

Do you just hate people like this?

this geek worth 3 billion dollars says he sleeps in a one room apartment with a mattress on the floor

Do you just hate people like this?
I don't hate him, but I'd do him cuz he's rich!
Reply:well thats no big deal,i sleep anywhere and anytime when i feel drowsy...and yes i'm no geek with 3 billion.....and i always sleep while sitting.....even in class
Reply:not at all. Admire the guy for not letting his money corrupt him.. too many let it go to their head and abuse themselves and others simply because they can.

Anyone who lives below their means are to be admired!
Reply:Jealousy is never pretty.

so he sleeps on the floor in one room...if he bought a mansion with 20 rooms would you like him more?

hate is never nice.
Reply:Good for him!!

It is sad but often true that the very personalty makeup that makes millionaires like him also makes such folks sometimes a bit odd in the eyes of others...

i think its good not showing off how rich you are and telling the world you're a good person
Reply:Everyone has a right to live as they please regardless of how much money they have. Would you think any better of someone who lived in a mansion as up to their eyes in debt and obviously living beyond their means?
Reply:Nope. My hat's off to him!

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